Blitz Magnetic Resistance Manual Treadmill (Ships by May 31)

$4,999.99 USD

Walk, jog, run or sled push your way to cardio bliss-you set the pace.

Product Features

  • Magnetic Resistance

    With most manual treadmills, running faster is your only option to burn more calories. Not here, pal. Pull the lever, Kronk, and experience 6 different levels of resistance (and an uncomfortable burning in your hammies).

  • Posterior Chain Engagement

    Standard manual treads have a small 6° curve, but ours boasts a 17° curve. This is the Everest of treadmills, firing up your posterior chain, leaving you screaming for oxygen, and earning you the glory of conquering the world.

  • Commercial Quality

    This unit? Top-notch. Aluminum slats? Rubber-encased and super durable. Console? Packed with ALL THE METRICS to thrill data nerds. And the belt? We doubled the industry standard of 100 bearings with a cool 200 for a silky smooth glide.

Product Details

Elevate your cardio workouts with the Blitz Magnetic Resistance Manual Treadmill! 6 magnetic resistance levels, so you can walk, jog, sprint, or sled push. Magnetic resistance offers an ultra-smooth and highly responsive experience with minimal maintenance.

The steep 17° curve will light your posterior chain on fire. When you're ready to really feel the burn, crank up the resistance and brace against the padded front handles for a sled push - turning your monotonous cardio workouts into exciting calorie bonfires.

Suitable for commercial facilities, with strong aesthetic finishes, durable aluminum slats encased in rubber for longevity, and a data-rich console. Oh, and that industry standard of only 100 ball bearings for the belt? Yeah, we DOUBLED it for a ride that's smoother than your pickup lines in college.

IMPORTANT: This unit is large and heavy, meaning it can only ship by freight. It is highly recommended to be installed on a ground floor instead of in a basement or above-ground floor. If you'd prefer to pick it up, consider bringing a friend to help you.


Bells of Steel

Blitz Magnetic Resistance Manual Treadmill (Ships by May 31)

$4,999.99 USD

Elevate your cardio workouts with the Blitz Magnetic Resistance Manual Treadmill! 6 magnetic resistance levels, so you can walk, jog, sprint, or sled push. Magnetic resistance offers an ultra-smooth and highly responsive experience with minimal maintenance.

The steep 17° curve will light your posterior chain on fire. When you're ready to really feel the burn, crank up the resistance and brace against the padded front handles for a sled push - turning your monotonous cardio workouts into exciting calorie bonfires.

Suitable for commercial facilities, with strong aesthetic finishes, durable aluminum slats encased in rubber for longevity, and a data-rich console. Oh, and that industry standard of only 100 ball bearings for the belt? Yeah, we DOUBLED it for a ride that's smoother than your pickup lines in college.

IMPORTANT: This unit is large and heavy, meaning it can only ship by freight. It is highly recommended to be installed on a ground floor instead of in a basement or above-ground floor. If you'd prefer to pick it up, consider bringing a friend to help you.

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